Digital Photography & Imaging - Final Compilation & Reflection
13/04/20 - 20/07/20 / Week 1- Week 14

Ibrahim Fazal Ahmad / 0337423
Digital Photography & Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylors University / Final Compilation & Reflection
Figure 1: Hearst Mansion
Figure 1.1: Ghost House
Figure 1.2: Recolouring

Figure 1.3: Hybrid Animal
Figure 1.4: Self-Titled
Figure 1.5: Photo Manipulation (Cyborg)
Figure 1.6: Surrealistic Parallax
Experience: When I first came into this class, I had a general idea of what to expect since I had heard from some of my seniors that class heavily involves Photoshop and editing. I wasn't extremely familiar with that but I did have some limited experience. Due to this I didn't struggle very much at all and but I learnt a lot of new things about Photoshop and taking pictures in general. Though it was unfortunate we could not have a lot of real life classes due to covid. But the one class we did have allowed me to learn a lot and wish we could've had more. Overall this module was interesting and I learned many things about digital photography and Photoshop.
Observation: I realised that there are so many things that you can do in Photoshop that I had previously not realised. I noticed that I was not taking full advantage of the program previously and that is an extremely capable and useful program and I can understand much better why it is considered the industry standard in terms of photo editing. I also did not get very harsh or critical feedback in general, I was usually able to complete my assignments in the first try and just get minimal feedback about it which allowed me to move through the assignments easily.
Findings: I found that a lot of interesting works that uses Photoshop are actually quite achievable by us when we can understand the program and be able to use it to its fullest potential. I also realised with classes that involved the healing brush how easily we can fix pictures of ourselves for social media and that many things we end up seeing on media can oftentimes just be heavily edited in Photoshop. I also found that Photoshop is a skill set of its own and can really help you as a design student in the future.
Final words: Overall this module was interesting, I really learned a lot and found the classes interesting, though I wish we had real life classes. It was unfortunate due the circumstances but overall this class was a great experience for me.
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