Anatomy & Character Sculpture // Project 2

  Anatomy & Character Sculpture // Project 2

Ibrahim Fazal Ahmad / 0337423
Information Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylors University 


Week 11

Below is my character design turnaround, along with the colour studies and final pose. I made the 3D model of his clothes. Making the chest plate was simple enough, but creating his shoes were very difficult due to its complex shape and design. 

Week 12: 

I haven't been feeling the best as of late. Very burnt out in general so I do not have much progress. But I did a rough possible idea of creating his shadow arm by using masking. 

I will be taking a break for a week or so as I'm feeling very burnt out. So there will be no progress for Week 13. 

Week 14: 

I have done the shadow arm as best I could and coloured in the model using polypaint. I added in the details on his armour along with clothing folds and also his amulet. I changed the amulet design from just a circle to a crescent moon in reference to his name "Nyx" taken from the Greek Goddess of Night. 

Mr Kannan told me to continue on this and finish adding all the details of his character and also to add textures to different objects such as the metal armour and his hair. 

Week 15:

I have added in all the details of my character design, along with the texturing as well. I changed his hair to reflect more accurately. Here is his final character turnaround in 2D and 3D:


Week 11: For the boot, rather than trying to extract the leg. Create a cylinder and build one shoe on its own instead, after which it can be mirror and welded. 

Week 12: It's getting there. Don't keep pushing yourself if you're burned out. Take a break from work and get back into it when you feel better. We need to enjoy what we do, our enjoyment and pride will show through our work. 

Week 14: The calves of the boots are currently too big. Small changes to his jawline and lower lips. Add textures to the different materials. 

Week 15: -


Experience: This semester has been... hard on me to say the least. A lot of things going on so I have fallen a little behind on work. But I am glad that this class keeps me interested and enjoying myself. 3D modelling is a difficult task, with so many things to consider. But it is so interesting and fun to create, I will definitely keep experimenting with this medium in my own time. 

Observation: Small changes make big differences. Also, think about what you want to make from its simplest form, how can you simplify it. If you want to make a pair of boots, what are the simplest shapes you can use to create it before you start making it actually look like a boot. I realise that not everything looks perfect and pretty in 3D modelling, in fact, it takes quite a while before things start to look decent. 

Findings: I need to think about what I make in their simplest forms before anything else. Rather than trying to immediately make them, think about what were they before they became what they are. Whether it be a sphere, cylinder or cube. These simple shapes make up everything. Pay attention and you can see it in everything that is around us. 


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