Week 1 - // 29/03/21
Ibrahim Fazal Ahmad / 0337423
Vehicle & Props Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylors University
Week 1:
For our first week, we were tasked with tracing over a simple car, plane, and boat. It was rather simple however doing the deconstruction was quite difficult, as I personally haven't worked with vehicles before so it was a new experience but it felt familiar to Fundamental Drawing from my foundation.
Figure 1: Car Deconstruction
Figure 1.1: Car Deconstruction
After doing a car, we were tasked with doing a plane and boat as well. This is because we need to understand their form as best we can before we move on to creating our own vehicles. Our final project will consist of a vehicle from each category.
Figure 1.2: Plane Deconstruction
Figure 1.3: Boat Deconstruction
Week 2:
This week we had to draw the vehicle from week 1 from a different perspective. I had bitten off more than I could chew in this case by doing a very difficult angle which proved to backfire due to how long I had to spend per drawing. I was also told that the boat I was drawing was on a very distorted perspective grid which meant it would be hard to draw it either way due to how distorted it is. The plane looks fine and requires no changes. The car is also fine but the back wheel is off perspective.
Figure 1.4: Boat Perspective
Figure 1.5: Car Perspective
Figure 1.6 Plane Perspective
Week 3:
This week we had to show the other perspective drawings we had done, along with the line art and value paint of the vehicles. Doing these I realised that perspective is a big weakness of mine, I really need to practice this as I go through this degree. The value paints are okay, they could use a bit more darkness and the textures are a little hard to understand. The perspective drawings are all fine, move onto creating the proposal.

Figure 1.7: Boat Perspective
Figure 1.8: Car Perspective
Figure 1.9: Plane Perspective
Figure 2: Boat Line Art
Figure 2.1: Boat Line Value Paint
Figure 2.2: Boat Line Art
Figure 2.3: Boat Value Paint
Figure 2.4: Plane Line Art
Figure 2.5: Plane Value Paint
I also tried doing colour overs and texturing/texture bashing. The colouring process was a little unfamiliar to me because I don't usually from black and white to colour. I also struggled with the values interfering with how I normally colour. I typically use warmer or colder tones of the base colour for shading for vibrance but when painting from grayscale I noticed it tends to look quite dulled out in comparison to full colour.
Figure 2.6: Car Colouring Attempt 1
Figure 2.7: Car Colouring Attempt 2
Figure 2.8: Car Colouring Attempt 3
This was my first time trying out texture bashing and I watched a tutorial on how to do it before I tried. Here is the video:
Texture Bashing
It was very helpful and I learned a lot for sure. It was very interesting to try out this medium and I will definitely use it in the future for my other projects as it saved a lot of time and more accurately depicted textures.
Figure 2.9: Texture Bashing
After the exercises, we moved onto creating our proposals and ideas for our vehicles. Here is the compilation of my exercises:
Week 1: The boat needs more work compared to the plane and car. Pay attention to details.
Week 2: The car looks the best, but the back wheel is not in perspective. The boat needs a lot of work, it looks too flat currently. The plane looks fine, no changes needed.
Week 3: The rendering is okay, but the textures are not easily understood. The car looks the best among the three.
Experience: During the exercises, I realised how much I am still lacking in terms of my fundamentals for stuff like this. In terms of human anatomy, I have a much clearer grasp, but vehicle design is completely foreign to me. It feels like Fundamental Drawing from my foundation again, except I haven't exactly practised doing perspective and drawing cubes all too much so it definitely showed in my progress. I was working slow and struggled a lot with this but I know it is for the bettering of my skills.
Observation: A good vehicle is very clear as it is solid. It is solid in its fundamentals and functionality, it looks like you could almost reach out and touch the different planes of the vehicle. Another observation is that fundamentals are always difficult when starting out, I know I should not be discouraged but it's definitely hard to keep the motivation levels up this semester.
Findings: I've learned that there is a very specific way you draw vehicles and that their solidity is forefront in terms of importance. Vehicle design is also just very difficult in general, it requires a strong set of fundamentals. Such as the understanding of values and perspective. If these are weak, it is extremely apparent in our work. I've also picked up the skill of texture bashing, a very quick way to add so much more to my work without having to completely rip my hair out trying to figure out how to paint it in photoshop.
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