Week 1 - // 29/03/21
Ibrahim Fazal Ahmad / 0337423
Vehicle & Props Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylors University
Week 4:
After we finished the exercises we had to begin our idea proposal for our Projects, all of which are continuous pieces until we reach our final piece.
World Concept: Greece was previously a highly advanced society, however after years of sudden conflict due to the assassinations of their leaders. It has become a nearly unrecognisable dystopia. The original reason for the conflict being forgotten near 40 years later. Personal survival becomes the biggest priority due to the scarcity of resources and increases in crime.
I wanted to go for a dystopian look initially, with a strong emphasis on how the vehicles used to be beautiful and intricate. The keywords I chose were:
- Decorative
- Deteriorated
- Fragile
- Futuristic
Here are the references I had chosen:
Figure 1: References.
Figure 1.1: References
Figure 1.2: References
I came up with a few sketches for the vehicles after doing some research on Greece. For the land vehicles, I had attempted making some random sketches but also something with more ideas such as number one, which is supposed to water the soil and is inspired by a cricket. While number two is supposed to be a farming machine.
Figure 1.3: Land Vehicle Silhouette Ideation
Figure 1.4: Land Vehicle Sketches
For water vehicles, I had a bit more of a clear idea. Number one is supposed to be inspired by the Trojan Horse. While number two inspired by the Greek columns. Number three is based on their chariot wheels. Number four is inspired by the Charon, a boat that brings the souls of the dead to the underworld. Lastly, number five is inspired by a basking shark.
Figure 1.5: Water Vehicle Silhouettes
Figure 1.6: Water Vehicle Sketches Week 5:
This week I had refined the ideas I had chosen for my vehicles. For air vehicles, I was inspired by the Flying Pigeon of Archytas as a base and used Greek ships along with steampunk airships as a reference. I want the vehicle to be used as a public vehicle, for travel or just general flying. For land vehicles, I was inspired by Cerberus, specifically the shape of its head. I wanted it to bus a large bus, not necessarily three tiers but very large and intimidating just like Cerberus. Lastly, for water vehicles, I took the idea of the basking shark. I also had to decide whether I wanted its mouth to capture the fish or to be a cockpit instead and just take inspiration in the basking sharks demeanour.
Figure 1.7: Air Vehicle Ideation
Figure 1.8: Land Vehicle Ideation
Figure 1.9: Water Vehicle Ideation
Week 6:
Not much progress this week. I have tried detailing the land and air vehicle. I realised while detailing the land vehicle that it is pointless to do it right now when I could ideate even further. I also realised the perspective is not correct anyway. For the air vehicle, I tried quick colouring during class to see what level of detail I could add to the design. I realise it still looks rather empty and I could give it a clearer identity. I am considering changing it from a passenger airline to something more of a fighter jet.
Figure 2: Land Vehicle Detailing Attempt
Figure 2.1: AirVehicle Detailing Attempt
Week 7:
This week I have tried creating three variations of the vehicle along with a quick value paint and lines depicting its form for better understanding. For the water vehicle, I chose number 3, for the land vehicle I combined the second and third designs. While for the air vehicle I did not decide on one and decided to keep experimenting.
Figure 2.2: Water Vehicle Values and FormFigure 2.3: Land Vehicle Values and Form
Figure 2.4: Air Vehicle Values and Form
This is where I ended Project 1 and moved onto Project 2. Here is the final compilation of my work for Project 1:
Figure 2.5: Pre Production (Project 1)
Week 4: Good start for ideation, now I have to narrow it down from all the sketches and choose one to focus on for next week. Same for all three vehicles. How does this vehicle work in our world, it needs to fit. During ideation, we need to have a mood board on how the world should be.
Week 5: Numbers 9 and 10 are interesting. What feel should it have, ask more questions when making the design. What function will the vehicle itself have, think about that. Functionality is important. Write down what your ideas explain.
Week 6: Further develop it. Dont bother with detailing right now. Focus on big shapes, keep experimenting with the shapes before I move on to the medium and micro details. What is the first read this vehicle will have. Think about how the eyes will be lead when looking at the design.
Week 7: What are the landmarks on the vehicle, what is its identity. It needs to be clear and understood through visuals. Map out the landmarks, such as the wings, engines, etc. So I can manipulate the design better.
Experience: I realised I have a tendency to move onto the detailing much too early. It was a weakness of mine in semester one and it seems to have come up again when doing a new subject like vehicle design. I need to keep aware to avoid making this mistake again. Overall I need to move quickly when working on these designs as ideation should be experimental and fast which I personally think I did not achieve that well.
Observation: Silhouettes are crucial but hard to achieve when drawing, especially with vehicles. With humans, it comes much more naturally, because well, we are humans. We can imagine how someone with a more stern personality would carry themselves. But it's much harder to imagine how a 20-foot bus would carry itself. But even still, the bus needs personality through its design. Which is rather hard to accomplish, especially as a beginner. I hope to improve more as I progress in this class.
Findings: Vehicles are not very noticed in terms of design. But there are such subtle ideas that are shown in them. Ones inspired by bugs and animals usually have traces of the original creature, whether it be design-wise or functionality wise.
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