Vehicle & Prop Design // Project 2


Week 1 - // 29/03/21

Ibrahim Fazal Ahmad / 0337423
Vehicle & Props Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylors University 


Week 8:

Independent Learning Week

Week 9: 

This week I added some more details to my vehicle and explanations on how the vehicle would be made. I wanted to go for a very rebuilt, junker aesthetic when creating these designs. My world is supposed to be dystopian and fallen apart, but it has the remnants of its golden age rather intact but rebuilt. This was the aesthetic I wanted to capture. 

Figure 1: Air Vehicle Explained

Figure 1.1: Land Vehicle Explained

Figure 1.2: Water Vehicle Explained

Week 10:

I have added detail to the boat and did a simple colour experiment as well. I used green for the lights because I was using the idea of these green fishing lights that I had come across. They are supposed to attract the fish and I wanted this submarine to move rather slowly and gently as to not scare fish but attract them and then capture them.

Figure 1.3: Water Vehicle Line Art & Base Colour Test

Week 11:

This week I created the base for my bus on a grid and then drew the line art I wanted to achieve. I changed a few things such as the engine. It changed from a rectangular form to a more round one as I wanted it to look like a Greek pillar instead. I also got rid of the front window/tarp on the second level of the bus and made it completely open instead. This would be dangerous in this world but it would be more realistic that public transport isn't exactly the gold standard of safety and protection. 

Figure 1.4: Land Vehicle Structure

Figure 1.5: Land Vehicle Line Art Progress

Week 12:

This week I attempted colouring my designs. I used a blue and orange palette. I chose blue because it is a prominent colour in Greece but I darkened it to fit the vibe of my world better as it's rather dark and dystopian so the bright blue would not fit the best. I also added orange as it is a complementary colour and would suit the blue nicely and add contrast. 

Figure 1.6: Land Vehicle Black & White 

Figure 1.7: Land Vehicle Coloured

Figure 1.7: Water Vehicle Black & White 

Figure 1.8: Water Vehicle Coloured

Week 13: 

I began on the line art for the fighter jet. I was having trouble adding the middle piece on the belly of the place. After consulting with Mr Kannan he said I can just remove it because it doesn't really add anything other than a difficulty for me. 
Figure 1.9: Air Vehicle Line Art Progress

Week 14:

I have coloured in the based colours for the plane as well now and will move onto the final project. 

Figure 2: Air Vehicle Line Coloured

Figure 2.1: Air Vehicle Black & White

Here is the compilation for my Project 2: 

Figure 2.2: Project 2 Compiled


Week 9: All look fine, move on to detailing the vehicles now. 

Week 10: Front area looks a little boring. Can adjust the shape. The back looks fine. 

Week 11: What vibe do I want to capture with the bus. Do the values and base colours. After which I move on to rendering the piece. Finish the line art and then start doing the base/rendering. 

Week 12: The colours look fine, but I could tone down the saturation on certain things such as the damage on the roof. 

Week 13: Remove the little under part on the plane, it isn't necessary. Other than that it looks fine. 

Week 14: -


Experience: I felt more comfortable moving onto the colouring and detailing process as it is something I really enjoy doing. This overall process has been fun but exhausting for sure. I've burned myself out most definitely and I am hoping it does not show in my work. I've been trying very hard to keep up this semester but I feel like I am started to slip towards the end. Just a final push and it should be over. 

Observation: Colours and details add so much to a piece. My bus design looked very blank and boring before I added the details. It told no story whatsoever. However, after the details, the element of the story had been added. Such as all the awkward elements that don't fit with the design and contrasting colours which had clearly been damaged. 

Findings: Colours can add a lot when done correctly. I realise that colouring is one of my strong suits and I usually move quite quickly when doing so. However, this also causes me to stop experimenting with my colours because I assume my first few combinations are good enough and don't require any more experimentation. This is a habit I need to overcome as experimentation is always good!


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