Game Art // Art Bible
Game Art // Art Bible
Ibrahim Fazal Ahmad / 0337423
Game Art / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylors University
After finishing all our work, we were to turn our environment design and game art into one combined piece of media. Being a art bible/book. Here is the completed Art bible:
Game Art and Environment were definitely were my favourite subjects this semester for sure. I really enjoyed everything in these classes and I'm glad to have taken them. However, I can't pretend I wasn't beyond stressed at nearly every moment. I'm not sure if it's the workload or it's also to do with personal issues, but this semester seriously felt super exhausting. I was counting down the days until I could finally submit everything and feel free again. I really enjoyed myself but it was so exhausting to keep with these modules along with another three as well. I was often tired and demotivated at times because of the sheer amount of things going on at times. However, I have learned a lot this semester for sure. There's a long list of notes that I have gotten as feedback that I have written down which I reflect upon when doing my work now. Overall, I enjoyed this class very much but I wish I did have more time to really finish everything. I feel somewhat disappointed I couldn't show everything I could have because of the time and workload.
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